The Raphnet adapter is the only adapter confirmed to work with Wiitars. The Elecom Wii Classic Controller adapter does not work, same for the Mayflash. Contact a subreddit moderator to verify your Reddit username. You need to be a verified charter in the CH Discord server.

Check my Youtube channel: Pharaoh Charts. I started charting songs for CH because I want to help the community and let people play whatever song they want. They don't respond or accept me on Discord and that apparently is the only place you can reach them. To bypass Google Drive's download quota, follow these steps: Create a folder on your Gdrive -> Select the file you need -> Create a shortcut -> Place it in the folder -> Download the folderīridge, a program for downloading charts directly to your computer I love rythm games like Guitar Hero or Clone Hero. I'm trying to get ahold of the person who runs the spreadsheet linked. Podrás descargar todo el pack de cada juego por separado. Haz clic en el botón de descarga de cada juego para acceder a todas las canciones respectivas disponibles (vía Google Drive). Spreadsheet with custom songs and setlists: Descargar canciones de los juegos de Guitar Hero para Clone Hero. Here you can post questions, videos and images etc. Clone Hero is a better made replica of the famous Guitar hero game.